
Hideyuki Hashimoto – 橋本 秀幸

2012年に1stアルバム「earth」を発表以降、空間を活かした即興演奏と作曲作品を軸に、これまで多数のソロアルバムをリリース。2014年、瀬戸内海の島の小学校に眠っていたピアノを窓を開き、島の自然音と共に奏でた小曲集「home」を発表。2017年、ピアノソロ2部作となる「room」「out room」、2019年、ピアノと足踏みオルガンによる読書のための音楽集「草稿」をリリース。2020年より定期的な配信リリースを継続、ドイツ・ベルリンを拠点とする音楽レーベルXXIM Records(Sony Masterworks)よりアルバム「Time」を2025年春にリリース予定。映像音楽の作曲、コラボレーションなど、幅広い活動を行っている。

Hideyuki Hashimoto is a pianist and composer, based in Kagawa Japan. He explores the use of space in his improvisational performances and composition. In 2012, Hashimoto released two works Earth and Air. His music has a delicate spacial beauty with a feel of vivid imagery and has been highly praised in an array of reviews published both in Japan and abroad. In 2013, following the Setouchi Triennale 2013, Hideyuki Hashimoto partook in the Sea’s Terrace event with his spacial music in Takamijima, and with an upright piano from the island, represented the region’s atmosphere with music, leaving the audience with a deep impression of beauty. It was released as the album Home in 2014. In 2017, he released a solo piano 2-part series Room and Out Room, and his first live recording album Breath in 2020. Since then, he has released numerous solo piano works. In 2025, new album “Time” will be released with XXIM Records (Sony Masterworks)  and his music has reached people around the world.